Time to Grasp the Nettle

“Tender-handed stroke a nettle, And it stings you, for your pains: Grasp it like a man of mettle, And it soft as silk remains.” Aaron Hill’s Works circa 1760 There’s been a lot of talk about Blockchain, especially with the dot-com style explosion of crypto-currencies. So before I get into the stinging or grasping part…

The Internet of Everything and the One-Stop-Shop

We can argue endlessly about what exactly Artificial Intelligence means; it’s become one of those terms that is bandied-about so much that it can now almost legitimately be applied to any piece of code. But one thing I think we can all agree on is that “things” are getting “clever”. I read with interest two…

Amazon is coming; get busy!

My earliest happy memory of shopping was the sheer delight of being handed a page of perforated Green Shield Stamps and a booklet to stick them in to. It wasn’t just the philatelist in me (although I did go on to be a keen stamp collector), but also the knowledge that once the book was…